Hey guys. A few years ago, i got the idea about making up useless inventions. I have almost every single one here. (I took about 50% from other people's ideas and internet, and 50% I made up.

Worst inventions:

Helicopter w/ an ejection seat
Submarine w/ a screen door
Solar-powered flashlight
Water-proof towel
Mechanical pencil sharpener
Absorbent fish-tank
Breakable Plexiglas 
Dehydrating water
Umbrella w/ holes
Freezer for Eskimos
Battery powered battery charger. 
Re-usable toilet paper
Double sided playing-cards
Parachute that opens upon impact
Hand-powered chainsaw
Pedal-powered wheel chair
Black highlighter
Motorcycle seat-belts
Refrigerating blanket 
Sole-less shoes
Scent-less air freshener
Inflatable darts-board
Water-proof toilet-paper
Solar powered night-light
Unsinkable submarine
Reversible garbage disposal
Rubber Kleenex
Chord-less parachute 
Chord-less bungee-jumping suit
Frictionless Sandpaper
Fireproof matches.
Braille tv guide. 
Braille Drivers' Manual
Air-Bag Motorcycle jacket.
Glow-in-the-dark Burglar uniform
Wind Powered Fan
Inflatable anchor
Braille stop-signs
A Book on how to read
An index for a dictionary
  See-through gift wrapping paper